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ON fatness intersecting with 

Hong Kong & gay identity

by lau tsz Yeung

Creative Work Outline


My interview target is a gay man from Hong Kong. He is currently studying in Australia and he is also a bit fat. Before the interview, although I intentionally avoided portraying my subject as poor or lonely, I already assumed that he often faced lots of difficulties. However, in the interview, he sounded like he was able to deal with his trauma and talk about his feelings quite naturally despite having experienced some episodes of discrimination. Moreover, he is also able to analyse and explain the cause of gender discrimination or stereotype well. He also reflected on the existence of sexual desire, which is brought about by the environment we live in constantly reminding us of our gender. As he shared his story from when he was in primary to university, I have chosen to use diary entries as the format to write my creative piece, trying to re-present his scattered but also inter-related changes and intimate feelings of his various marginalized identities.

Creative Work 


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1. 萬里花開


“We are here, we are queer. Get used to it.”

2. 異常




Creative Work Presentation

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