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tales of margins:

within & beyond

​邊 緣 誌


Tales of Margins is a compilation of projects done by students of the course HUMN4036 Identity Politics in the Era of Globalisation, which is a collaboration between the Department of Humanities and Creative Writing and the Centre for Innovative Service-Learning at Hong Kong Baptist University. The course explores the formations, negotiations, and power struggles of identity in film, literature, cultural history, theoretical discourse, and in daily life. It examines the politics and ethics of representing identity and difference, especially cultural and sexual differences in various local, national, and global settings. 


In order for the students to utilise their knowledge, the service-learning project is assigned to bridge the gap between academia and the outside world. Students are asked to conduct an interview with a person of marginalised identity in the community and document it in methods they deem appropriate. While some have chosen the more traditional approach of journalistic writing, others have exercised their creativity and articulated their learnings and experience through artistic expressions like poetry and drama as well as forms of modern media such as podcast episodes and social media posts. Projects displayed on this website are selected for their originality and insight. 

關 於





Our Story

Gender & Sexuality

Projects in this section mostly explore gender and sexuality as lived experiences situated in networks of power and social relations. A number of works deal with the stigma surrounding people with queer identities and their struggle to self-definition. Some other projects discuss gender and sexuality as they intersect with race, class, and religion, producing representations that are authentic and informed.  


性 別 身 份


Getting There

National & Ethnic Minority

This section consists of four projects that examine the hardships and alienation one experiences on account of their national and/or ethnic identity. While each focusing on a different race / ethnicity, these works demonstrate how language and the power structure it projects play a crucial role in the construction of one’s racial identity. They have presented a way to imagine racial identities through the lens of everyday life and its many challenges. 


民 族 及 種 族 身 份




Alternative Marginality

Not all marginal identities fall under the previous two categories (gender & sexuality and national & ethnic minority). This section is dedicated to the projects of those students who went out of their way in noticing, acknowledging, and representing people with other types of struggles. The two projects in this section look into the rarely-discussed marginalisation of people being clinically depressed and vegan. They serve as an important reminder that there are certains groups that receive less attention than others within what are normally considered marginalised communities and that they deserve to be known, discussed, and destigmatised. 


另 類 邊 緣 身 份






Dr. Jason HO  何家珩博士

WEB DESIGNER (網頁設計及文字編輯)

Fiona WONG

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